
EuropeanBased Bitcoin Exchange Find the best European based bitcoin exchange rate at You can take advantage of digital currency exchange more than 10 different currencies.
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is a platform of Exchange of Bitcoins
where you can buy and sell in more
than 10 different currencies from America and Europe.

Annex A – Fees, Minimum Amounts, and Maximum Amounts

FEES - Fees corresponding to each operation carried out in the Platform are set out in the following tables:

A.1 General Operations (for both sites, BitInka and InkaPay):

Operation Fee Unit
Local Currency Deposit 1 %
Local Currency Withdrawal 1 %
Local Currency Deposit (ARGENTINA only, through PAGO FACIL, in ARS) 3,5 %
Local Currency Deposit (PERU only, in PEN)) 7,5 PEN + 1% PEN + %
Local Currency Withdrawal (PERU only, in PEN) 17,5 PEN + 1% PEN + %
Local Currency Deposit (PERU only, in USD) 2,83 USD + 2% USD + %
Local Currency Withdrawal (PERU only, in USD)) 6,32 USD + 1% USD + %
Local Currency Withdrawal (COLOMBIA only, in COP)) 6293 COP + 1% COP + %
Bitcoins Withdrawal 0,15 %

A.2 Operations on BitInka:
Operation Fee Unit
Purchase – Sale of Bitcoins 0,5 %
USD deposits(international transfer) * 1 %
USD withdrawals(international transfer) * 1 %
* International operations have an extra fixed cost of USD 50 per operation, whether deposits or withdrawals, regarding to bank costs.

A.3 Operations on InkaPay**:
(Operations on InkaPay always refer to the sent and received currency)
Operación Comisión Unidad
From Local Currency to Local Currency 1,5 %
From Bitcoin to Local Currency 1 %
From Local Currency to Bitcoin 1 %
From Bitcoin to Bitcoin 0,5 %
Shipment to Non-Registered Users 3 %
**During all operations on InkaPay, the user may choose if the charges for any operation shall be paid by the sender of the money or by its recipient.
MINIMUM AMOUNTS - The minimum amounts established for each operation may be seen in the following tables:

A.4 Operations in Bitcoins on BitInka and InkaPay:
Operation Minimum Amount Unit
Bitcoins Deposit 0,0001 BTC (Bitcoin)
Bitcoins Withdrawal 0,002 BTC (Bitcoin)
Purchase – Sale of Bitcoins 0,005 BTC (Bitcoin)
Litecoins Deposit 0,0001 LTC (Litecoin)
Litecoins Withdrawal 0,002 LTC (Litecoin)
Purchase – Sale of Litecoins 0,005 LTC (Litecoin)
Ripple Deposit 0,0001 XRP (Ripple)
Ripple Withdrawal 0,002 XRP (Ripple)
Purchase – Sale of Ripple 0,005 XRP (Ripple)

A.5 General Operations (for both sites, BitInka and InkaPay):
Operation Country Minimum Amount Unit
Local Currency Deposit Bolivia (Boliviano) 85 BOB (Boliviano)
Local Currency Withdrawal Bolivia (Boliviano) 85 BOB (Boliviano)
Local Currency Deposit Spain (Euro) 100 EUR (Euro)
Local Currency Withdrawal Spain (Euro) 100 EUR (Euro)
Local Currency Withdrawal Venezuela (BSF) 3700 BSF (Bolivares))
Local Currency Withdrawal Colombia (COP) 30000 COP (Colombian Peso)
Local Currency Withdrawal Perú (USD) 25 USD (American Dollar)
Local Currency Withdrawal Perú (PEN) 25 PEN (Soles)
USD international withdrawals International (USD) 200 USD (American Dollar)
Local Currency Withdrawal Chile (CLP) 6000 CLP (Peso chileno)
Local Currency Withdrawal Argentina (ARS) 150 ARS (Argentinian Peso)
Local Currency Withdrawal Brasil (BRL) 25 BRL (Brazilian Real)
Local Currency Deposit China (CYN) 20 USD (American Dollar)
Local Currency Withdrawal China (CYN) 20 USD (American Dollar)

A.6 Operations on InkaPay:
Operation Minimum Amount Unit
Shipment to Non-Registered Users 100 USD

MAXIMUM AMOUNTS - The maximum amounts established for each operation may be seen in the following tables:
A.7 Operations in Bitcoins on BitInka and InkaPay:
Operation Maximum Amount Unit
Bitcoin Withdrawal 100 per day BTC (Bitcoin)

A.8 Operations on InkaPay:
Operation Country Maximum Amount Unit
Local currency withdrawals Perú(Soles) 27000 PEN (Soles)
Local currency withdrawals Perú(USD) 8000 USD USD (American Dollar)
Local Currency Deposit Perú(Soles) Equivalent to 2500 USD PEN (Soles)
Local Currency Deposit Perú(USD) 2500 USD USD (American Dollar)
USD international deposits Internacional (USD) Without limit USD (American Dollar)
USD international withdrawals Internacional (USD) 1000 USD USD (American Dollar)
Local Currency Deposit Colombia (Pesos) Equivalent to 2500 USD COP (Colombian Peso)
Local currency withdrawals Colombia (Pesos) As the issuing bank permits COP (Colombian Peso)
Local Currency Deposit Chile (Pesos) Equivalent to 2500 USD CLP (Peso chileno)
Local currency withdrawals Chile (Pesos) As the issuing bank permits CLP (Peso chileno)
Local Currency Deposit Argentina (Pesos) Equivalent to 2500 USD ARS (Argentinian Peso)
Local currency withdrawals Argentina (Pesos) As the issuing bank permits ARS (Argentinian Peso)
Local Currency Deposit through PAGO FACIL Argentina (Pesos) 9650 ARS (Argentinian Peso)
Local Currency Deposit Brasil (Reales) Equivalent to 2500 USD BRL (Real brasileño)
Local currency withdrawals Brasil (Reales) As the issuing bank permits BRL (Real brasileño)
Local Currency Deposit Bolivia (Boliviano) 60.000 BOB (Boliviano)
Local currency withdrawals Bolivia (Boliviano) As the issuing bank permits BOB (Boliviano)
Local Currency Deposit España (Euro) Equivalent to 2500 USD EUR (Euro)
Local currency withdrawals España (Euro) As the issuing bank permits EUR (Euro)
Local Currency Deposit Venezuela (BSF) 500.000 BSF (Bolivares)
Local currency withdrawals Venezuela (BSF) 350.000 BSF (Bolivares)
Local Currency Deposit China (CYN) Equivalent to 10.000 USD CYN (Yuan)
Local currency withdrawals China (CYN) Equivalent to 10.000 USD CYN (Yuan)

A.9 Operations on InkaPay:
Operation Maximum Amount Unit
From Bitcoin to local Currency 2500 USD USD (American Dollar)
From Local Currency to Bitcoin 2500 USD USD (American Dollar)
Shipment to Non-Registered Users 200 USD (American Dollar)
